The Romanian crop production increased year-on-year by 12.4 pct in 2017 to 24.5 million tonnes, , mainly due to the increase in the yields per hectar (average yield), according to a report of the National Institute of Statistics (INS). The cultivated suraface of crop grains dropped by 6.9 percent.

Romania was on the first place in EU in 2017 for the sunflower cultivated area and sunflower production. Also it was ranked on the first place in 2017 for grain maize cultivated area, and on the second place after France for the production obtained.

The cropping of grain maize in 2017 represented 47 percent of the cultivated area with cereals for grains, while the one cultivated with wheat represented 39.7 percent.

The overall production increased by 33.3 percent for grain maize, 17.2 percent for wheat and 7.1 percent for oat and 2.2 percent for barley and two-row barley.

The dried pulses production increased by close to 3 times, due to the growth of the cultivated area, as well as due to the yield per hectar, compared with the previous year.

Moreover, the oilseed crops production increased by 29.5 percent, due to the increase in the cultivated area (6.9 percent), as well as due to the yields per hectar. The increases were registered in sunflower (43.4 percent), soya (38.8 percent) and rape (29.3 percent).

The sugar beet production increased by 10.2 percent mainly due to the increase in the cultivated area (by 8 percent) compared with te previous year.

The potatoes production increased by 16.3 percent due to the increase in the yields per hectar, although the cultivated surface dropped by 7.7 percent compared with the previous year.

The vegetables production increased by 8.1 percent due to the increase in teh yield per hectar, although the cultivated surface decreased by 1.8 percent compared with the previous year.


Source: Business Review – April 2018