Romania was included by the European Commission on the list of the states that could increase their prepayment in order to support the farmers that were affected by the difficult climate conditions, according to a community forum.

Five more states (Romania, Croatia, Ireland, Greece and Great Britain) will be added to the initially ten states where the measures were taken (Belgium, Czech Republic, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Portugal and Finland).

The payments are going directly to farmers and some of them are made for rural development, with payments usually made between December1 and June 30. Until now, the member states were able to pay in advance half of the direct payments and 75 percent for the rural development ones, starting with October 16. This new decision allows the states to increase this prepayment up to 70 percent and 85 percent for the other ones.

The member states are allowed to decide on their own if they want to make prepayments.

Teodora Marinescu (Source: